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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Angels Pictures I

"Angel" means: Messenger,

Angels are the servants of the Lord doing service to God - Hebrews 1: 7,14
They have been used to deliver messages to people - Genesis 19: 15
Holy Angels carry out God's will on earth or heaven - Genesis 28: 12
They report to God and give account - Job 1: 6, 21
They praise and worship God - Psalms 148 : 2, Revelations 5: 11, 12
They comprise God's army - the "Heavenly Host " - Daniel 1: 35


"Sons of God" - Job 1: 6, 2: 1
"Heavenly Host" - Luke 2: 13
"Holy Ones" or " Holy Angels" - Daniel 4: 7, Matthew 25: 31
""Evil Angels" or Evil Spirits" - Ps 78: 49, 1 Sam 16, 14, 15, 1 Kings 22: 2
"Watchers" - Daniel 4: 17

Their Being

Angels are celestial ( Heavenly ) beings - 1 Corinthians 15: 40
They are just one kind of race of many heavenly beings such as
Seraphim - who according to Isiah 6: 2-7 have six wings and praise God's holiness
Cherubim - who according to Ezekiel 10: 1-15 have four wings and surround God's glory.
The four Beasts - of Revelation 4: 6-8 who may or may not be one of the above,
these also have six wings
There are many differing descriptions of domonic type beings - Zechariah 5: 5-9
This is the only mention of winged women in the Bible and remember its demonic !
There are also heavenly animals mentioned in scripture such as horses - Revelation 19: 11

Within the Angels are Ranks of Authority

Archangel (meaning: "Chief" )
As is "Michael" among the Holy Angels - 1 Thessalonians 4: 16; Jude 9
And "Beelzebub" prince among the devils - Matthew 12: 24
Principalities - As above, an office held by a Prince, Chief among others - Ephesians 1: 21
Thrones - An office held by one who would be a regional King - Colossians 1: 16
Powers - An office held by one having legal jurisdiction - Ephesians 1: 21
Might - An enforcer, as in military or police or judge - Ephesians 1:21
Dominions - Assigned governmental authority over a territory - Ephesians 1: 21


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